Is AI Content Creation Worth the Investment?
I’ve been fielding this question constantly as AI writing tools flood the market. Is AI the content creation revolution we’ve been promised? My answer: Yes, but with critical caveats that most vendors won’t tell you. Let me be transparent: I’ve observed organizations produce more content than ever with AI assistance, yet others have damaged their […]
Should Your Business Be on Every Social Platform?
This is probably the most frequent question I get from clients eager to expand their digital presence. The tempting answer is “yes” – but the real answer? Absolutely not, and here’s why that’s good news for your bandwidth and budget. Let me be frank: I’ve watched businesses exhaust themselves trying to maintain mediocre presences everywhere, […]
Remote Work: Productivity Boost or Management Nightmare?
I hear this question in almost every leadership meeting I attend. Is remote work the future or just a pandemic-forced experiment? The honest answer: It’s both, and the companies that understand this complexity are winning. Let me be straight with you: I’ve witnessed organizations struggle tremendously with remote transitions, while others have transformed into more […]
Marketing: is it worth investing?
I get this question a lot, especially from small business owners and startups watching their budgets. The short answer? Yes, but it’s complicated – and that’s exactly what we need to talk about. Let me be candid: I’ve seen companies burn through marketing budgets with nothing to show for it, while others turn modest investments […]